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Here you can know that which course are more popular.And that's course are about very interesting. On that genaration you must need that course.

Fundamental Of UI/UX Design

Here We discuss about UIUX design. UI means User Interface and UX means User Experience.

Price : 20$
Javascript Basic to advanced

Here we discuss about a proggraming language. using Javascript you can do many intaresting project.

Price : 22$
Fullstack Web Development

Here we discuss about html,css,java and some important proggraming language.

Price : 30$
Digital Marketing

Here we proveding you a digital platfrom and some course about digital marketing.

Price : 15$
Photography Basic Rules

Here we discuss about Photography. This course are more popular than others course.

Price : 20$
Motion Graphics

Here we discuss about motion Graphic. you can know here that how to make a animation vedio.

Price : 50$

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You can seen here our course popularity. we have many Successful student. Right now they are doing job in facebook, instagram, google, amazon etc.


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Awlad Hossain

UIUX Designer

Jannatul Islam

Motion Design

Imran Hossain

Graphic Designer

Nishi Akter

Web Developer

Some Students Feedback

Let's know our Successful student Feedback. they all are now doing work with google, amazon, facebook etc.

Hi, My name is Awlad Hossain. I am a UIUX designer of google. In 2022 i didn't know anything what is ui and what is ux. bt now i am a designer off a multinational company. that's amazing. For that i will give the full credit to the pro....

Awlad Hossain

UI Designer

Hello, I am Shanta Akter. the seniour grapic designer of Amazon.I work here from last three years. I realy thanks tha Pro Edu team. they are awesome. There class quality is unbelievable I never imagine that i also would be grapic designer.But no....

Shanta Akter

Graphic Designer

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